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It's a nice day, the sun shine brightly as usual and I got bunch of problem as usual, too.

What is "Being Invisible" means?
Being invisible is a feeling where you are ignored by people around you,just like, when you are talking to a person,he doesn't seems to give attention to you and make you feel you are not important at all, but there is some case that someone who makes the other person feeling impossible without mean to do it, most of the time the person that makes the other feeling invisible is meant to do it.

I felt so bad when I found myself made somebody feel invisible, that kind of guilty feeling makes me no sleep for nights, because I don't even know what to do in order to fix it.

Being invisible for along time can make you become numb if you are tough enough to face all of the pain you got from being ignored and be someone that nobody care, and most of the people that is not active in their social areas like school, company, etc. are mostly numb for being hurt.

Why do I know all of this things? Because I used to be in these situations, I try to cry but It is useless, Crying won't solve anything right?

The other thing that will make you numb is feeling nobody understand you.That kind of feeling hurts the most.

try to enjoy the songs I posted in my blog I hope these songs will make you feel comfortable.

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I was browsing the internet and I found this article in Indonesian


Insinyur di Photron (San Diego, CA, USA) berhasil mengembangkan sebuah kamera berkecepatan tinggi yang mampu menangkap gambar hingga satu juta frame per detik.
Kamera tersebut bernama Fastcam IS-1M. Sistem kamera yang dimiliki adalah 312 x 260 pixel resolusi ISIS (in situ image storage) dengan sensor CCD sistem yang dirancang untuk menangkap berbagai gambar dengan kecepatan sangat tinggi pada sebuah fenomena.
100 frame gambar buffer dan menyediakan penyimpanan yang memadai bagi mayoritas gambar / video dengan kecepatan ekstrim ultrahigh, seperti pengukuran tetesan inkjet, pembakaran, perambatan retak, dinamika ledakan, bahkan mampu menangkap gambar kecepatan sangat tinggi sebuah peluru.
Fitur utama dari kamera Fastcam IS-1M adalah sensor canggihnya. Di sini, tempat penyimpanan sinyal untuk gambar direkam kemudian digabungkan dalam chip. Cahaya yang memasuki bagian peka cahaya dari CCD ISIS dikonversi menjadi sinyal listrik sebelum ditransmisikan berurutan ke tempat penyimpanan dengan segera berdekatan dengan daerah sensitif dari pixel sebelum dikirim ke tahap output.
Metode penyimpanan mampu menghindari backlog sekuensial, yang disebabkan oleh terbatasnya jumlah sirkuit output dari CCD konvensional, memungkinkan frame rate yang lebih tinggi untuk dicapai.

Thanks to "www.gaptekupdate.com" for the article!

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Robert Downey Explains Society
That's what I talking about!

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I'm having depression because lacking of sleep recently,

I feel that I'm going to be the person when I was in the senior high
and that person is what I mean "liar" you may check it out the reason for why I told I was a liar from the previous post.

Living as one of the liars is kinda suck
one of my friend always think that he is cool or smart because he is one of the "liars",he is quite annoying, he is ignorant just like I used to be, I thought I was good, for being ignorant. but the truth is: being one of the liars makes you smarter,feels better, because you just don't give a fuck to everything around you but yourself, sometimes I call this kind of mindset as " depressing feels good" because this kind of mindset will force you be depressed in order to keep this kind of mindset be in your mind for a long time,

but the irony is: my parent think this kind of mindset is the symbol of you are "MATURE", so my conclusion is:" Parents want us to be depressed in order to call us mature.

I'm finished

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The first day of all suffers:

I tried my best to show you my best,
but what I get is all mess;
I want to try again so I could do it better,
but everything seems harder than before;
When I realize that life is tough,
I thought that life could be worse for someone else that I know,
but I realized that is a lie somehow,
then I look the world around me,
Damn, it's full of lies,
I started to afraid that I will become one of them too,
I started afraid to talk with them
I used to do things in different way
they called me weirdo
then I was tired,
I tried to be numb,
but things become boring and depressing when you are numb,
then I tried to be a good guy that never mess up things,
then I realized that I have become so tricksy
I felt guilty
I tried to walk out from this shade of numb
then I became a loser in many ways
I failed in friendship
I failed in my classes
I failed with everything

so many times that I tried to gain the trust from my parents
but however I tried,they just don't want to trust me.
maybe I'm wrong with the definition of "trust" in my family,
then I gave up from making them to trust me that I'm capable enough to do things that I've planned, decided;
I started to live like the "normal" people that defined by them
I realized that I've become one of them...the liars.

I started to lie, even to myself,
the lies I have told
has become who am I....

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Me have nothing to do now, the same day

Now I'm supposed to be in the school having my basketball course,and you know that I'm at home right now, just because of the family things happened.

I have nothing to say,
btw, I got some songs that I think that you guys should listen for them..

Mike James - Imagine This
David Sanborn - When I'm With You 
Willie Clayton - Stop Running From Love
Bobby Hutton - 20 Years Later
Kevin Toney - Feels so good
Nicolas Bearde - Can we Pretend

Hope you enjoy them!

Click To Download!

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Sunday,5 August 2012

Sunday, the day where I'm lost with myself, I planned to finish all my homework, but the fact is I spend my day by watching movie trailers and other nonsense video. now I regretted for what I did in the day.
Now I'm in hurry for editing  my blog because I KNOW that I might have no time to do it on the weekdays!
Thanks to "Youtube" and the other website that I just don't care by just learning from them how to make a blogger template by FREE!

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Finally, I've survived to the weekend, damn finally it's weekend, time that I can work-out in the gym without getting overly tired because of working out in the gym.
Next week, there will be plenty of test:
T.I.K on Tuesday, Civic and History on Wednesday , Bahasa on Thursday, Mandarin on Friday
that's the schedule of the nest week's tests.*stabbed my face twice*

Michael invited me to his house today, we went to the gym, and I was the Instructor(in case of the instructor is having their "puasa" I am the only onw that is experienced for training in the gym), Michael was very impressive with his pull-up, because non of us can do that; Winsen is strong, but he just didn't want to show too much about him; Daniel, damn! he is just too unhealthy! he is 72 Kilograms and he is only 16 years old! He did the sit ups and some belly excercises that made him extremely exhausted! lol

And now, I'm doing my blog that I considered as my own personal diary, though I have knew that the blog I made can be read by the other person!
I enjoy blogging that reliefs some of my stress that i got in the day, but the reality is: I was thinking to earn money from my blog in the first time, when I realized that making a blog is not easy to earn money, I have used to blogging life.

see ya

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